Press release on the current events on the Macedonian securities market
Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Board of directors of the Macedonian Stock Exchange, on the session held on 08.10.2008, analyzed the latest events on the Macedonian securities market and brought decisions in order to stabilize the latest increased price fluctuations.

Due to the intensive public interest, the MSE Board of directors decided to inform the public on the following:
Worldwide experiences show that all capital markets, including the Macedonian, are influenced by cycle events and movements, which result in greater or smaller changes of the prices of securities and stock exchange indexes. In that regard, the Macedonian Stock Exchange is not resistant on current global and regional stock exchange trends.
Latest developments on the stock exchanges worldwide, which are consequences of the crises on the global financial markets, obviously influence the share prices and the indexes of MSE, as well as the other stock exchanges in the region. However, facts and experiences show that, although psyhological factors influence the price movements on short term, the performances of the companies are always the most important factor for setting the prices on middle and long term.
The Macedonian Stock Exchange once again emphasizes that its main activity is organizing the trading in securities and in no way it can influence the movement of share prices and that the investors’ decisions and estimations i.e. that supply and demand on the market set the prices of the shares on the stock exchange.
Finally, considering the nature of the securities market, which is extremely sensitive on each speculation, and the fact that each information connected to the stock exchange movements can directly influence the actual prices of shares, Macedonian Stock Exchange, in accordance with its previous practice, will not comment or forecast the market movements, because it surely does not influence in their creation.
Macedonian Stock Exchange