Procedure for admission of regular market

Market of publicly held companies is a market segment of the “Regular market” on which the unlisted securities, issued by companies that are entered in the Register of the Securities and Exchange Commission of the Republic of Macedonia (SEC), are traded.Companies that are traded on the Market of publicly held companies have disclosure obligations the public according to the Securities Law and the acts of the SEC and are recorded in the special Register of the SEC.

 MSE enters the securities from the SEC’s Register of the joint stock companies and assigns them with a trading code.After the registration, MSE informs the public about the List of companies that will be traded on the Market of publicly held companies.The listing requirements are not be applicable for the registration on the Market of publicly held companies.

Free market is the market segment where all securities, other than those traded on the Official Market and the Market of publicly held companies, are traded.The application for admission for trading of securities on the Free Market is submitted in writing by MSE member, on the basis of the client’s order with the following data:


  • title of the securities’ issuer,
  • identification number of the issuer,
  • ISIN of the securities,
  • class and type of the securities,
  • face value of the security.

MSE, at its discretion, may reject the admission and registration of particular security on the Free Market, if it considers that the admission of that security may result in harming the integrity of the market and confusing the potential investors. The next application for admission of the rejected security may be submitted at least 10 days from the day of the rejection.