
mTrader - Trading on the stock market through your mobile phone

The mTrader application is a web application designed for end-users that enables placing of electronic orders for trading to brokers through a mobile device. With the mTrader application, it's enough to have a mobile device with internet access and wherever you are, it allows placing electronic orders to brokers and tracking trading.

The application is simple to use and provides:
1.    High level of security (unique username and password for user protection)
2.    Simplicity in completing the order, its entry, modification or withdrawal
3.    Overview of the portfolio
4.    Review of market data (price, market depth, transactions)
5.    Monitoring of the entry and execution of the order in real time


Access the mTrader application

In order for you to use the mTrader application, you need a brokerage house / bank to allow the user to access the application. As a user of the mTrader application, you receive the following data:

  • URL to access the application
  • Username and password


For more details about this application, contact your broker!