Distribution data

Prompt, timely and relevant information to investors about the trading activities on the securities market creates opportunities for prompt and efficient adaptation and action based on that information.
The Macedonian Stock Exchange provides investors with a range of market data, available either directly from MSE or through authorized data vendors.

  • Real-time trading data
  • Delayed trading data
  • End-of-day trading data

How to become a MSE vendor

Data feed service can be activated by signing a contract with the Macedonian Stock Exchange and satisfying the necessary technical criteria for receiving the above mentioned data.
For any additional information on our data feed service, please contact us by e-mail datavending@mse.org.mk or by phone +389 2 3122 055. Our technical and legal experts will be happy to help and answer any inquiries you might have.
The tariffs charged by the MSE for data dissemination are displayed in the Tariff Book. 

Free of charge data

Trading data provided by the Stock Exchange at the end of the trading day, week, month and/or year, as well as data on the value of the indices provided by the Stock Exchange at the end of the trading day are available for the public free of charge. The distributors of the information could re-publish these data, which are presented on the Stock Exchange’s website without charges, referring to the source of information, if the trading information is received without the contribution of the stock exchange and without the use of its special resources.