Trading rules

The Trading rules of the MSE regulate the subject of the MSE trading, dealings with trading orders (acceptance, modification, withdrawal and rejection of trading orders), manner of ordering and execution of the orders in the BEST system and existing types of orders.

Also, the Trading rules of the MSE regulate the manner of trading on the MSE, conditions of the securities in the BEST system, duration and phases of the trading, interruptive auctions, cross transaction, types of accounts, price limitations during trading with securities, temporary cancellation of the securities trading, manner of concluding, cancelling and revising of the securities transactions and procedures in case of defect in the functioning of the BEST system.

Special annexes that are integral part of the MSE’s Trading rules, regulate the rules on realization of the block transactions (annex 1), procedures for organizing public auction with shares owned by the state (annex 2), rules on offering primary securities emission through the MSE (Annex 3) and rules on organizing a public exchange auction of shares for selling of big shares packages (Annex 4).

The document is available on the following link.

Decisions deriving from the Trading Rules