Delisting of shares issued by Mavrovo ADG Skopje
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Board of Directors of the Macedonian Stock Exchange on the session held on 30.03.2009 decided to remove the ordinary shares issued by Mavrovo ADG Skopje from listing on the Macedonian Stock Exchange, according to article 9.05 paragraph 2 and sub-paragraph g) of the MSE Listing Rules.

The MSE Board of Directors, taking into consideration the information published on SEI-Net by Mavrovo ADG Skopje on March 27, 2009, stating that the Management Board of the Mavrovo ADG Skopje decided to “file a bankruptcy procedure on Mavrovo ADG Skopje due the permanent inability of the company to fulfill its financial obligations and according to the Macedonian positive legislation”, noted that the Decision of the Management Board of Mavrovo ADG Skopje for initiating an opening of bankruptcy procedure for the company and especially the arguments for the bankruptcy, presents a serious threat for the interests of the investors and decided to delist the shares issued by Mavrovo ADG Skopje

The shares issued by Mavrovo ADG Skopje will be transferred on the Market of Publicly traded companies on the Regular Market of the Macedonian Stock Exchange starting from 01.04.2009 (Wednesday).