Listing of corporate bonds issued by TTK banka AD Skopje
Friday, October 25, 2019

At the meeting held on 18.10.2019, the Board of Directors of the Macedonian Stock Exchange reached a Decision for listing of corporate bonds issued by TTK banka AD Skopje, on the sub-segment Exchange Listing - Bonds.

The characteristics of this financial instrument are as follows:

  • Securities type: corporate , transferable, subordinated, unsecured, bonds, with fixed interest rate. The issued capital instrument will be used as additional capital of the Bank (Tier 2 capital)
  • Number of issued bonds: 1,500
  • Nominal value of one bonds: 1,000 EUR
  • Total nominal value of the issue: EUR 1,5 million
  • Issue date: 18.09.2019
  • Maturity date: 18.12.2024
  • Interest rate: 3,5% fixed annual for the total period. IInterest is paid annually, on September 18th, starting from September 18th 2020.
  • Legal position (subordination) of the bonds: The bonds are unsecured and subordinated liabilities in respect to all debtors of the Bank, such as: the claims of depositors and creditors.
  • Purchase option / redemption: The issuer has not have an option to redeem securities
  • Trading Code: TTKO
  • ISIN: MKTTKS200012
  • Listing date and first trading day: 28.10.2019
  • Trading Mode: Auction Trading, Third Group

Having in mind the aforementioned, as with every investment in securities, it is necessary for investors to be thoroughly informed about the characteristics of the financial instrument by inspecting and analyzing the listing prospect, as well as by reading the announcements that the Issuer will publish in future through the Electronic reporting system for listed companies, SEI-Net.