Belgrade, Macedonian, Zagreb and Ljubljana Stock Exchange sign the Memorandum of Partnership
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Skopje, 20 December 2007 – The Belgrade, Macedonian, Zagreb and Ljubljana Stock Exchange signed today in Skopje the Memorandum of Partnership. The document heralds closer cooperation in the promotion of the regional market; international promotion of regional issuers and products; further development of regional products, services and members; and coordination, development and institutionalization of this cooperation. The partnership primarily aims to further develop the regional and underlying national markets and thus serve the needs of major regional and international market stakeholders: institutional as well as retail investors, investment firms and issuers. The cooperation has been set up with the following main objectives: to develop the concept of regional products by focusing regional and international attention on the Region’s top values; to organize joint investor conferences for most important issuers; to promote regional markets through a joint website and brief periodical reports on the performance of individual markets. Further, planned activities include the development of comparable market indices and other joint presentation attributes as well as cross-market structured products. All participants will make an effort to establish the concept of regional investment firms and promote them as major channels for attracting international as well as regional investors to and within the Region. Specifically, the goals for 2008 are: to develop and publish a regional benchmark index and regional performance-tracking index; to prepare and organize a regional and international investor conference showcasing major regional products; to prepare and publish a bi-annual regional newsletter and to set up a website representing the regional market. Upon adopting this Memorandum, the initial participants have invited the Banja Luka SE, Sarajevo SE, Montenegro SE and NEX Podgorica to join the project. Cooperation under this Memorandum is open to any other initiatives and cooperation projects or organizations that act in favour of the development of capital markets in the Region. The Partnership will be launched on the date the Memorandum is signed and will remain effective for a period of two years, until the end of December 2009.