Transfer of the shares issued by Toplifikacija AD Skopje from Super listing to Exchange listing sub-segment
Monday, August 18, 2014
 The Board of Directors of the Macedonian Stock Exchange on the session held on 14.08.2014 decided to transfer the listed shares issued by Toplifikacija AD Skopje from the Super listing to the Exchange listing sub-segment on the MSE Official market, according to article 51, paragraph 1, item 4 of the MSE Listing Rules.

The decision of the MSE Board of Directors was reached considering the level of company’s fulfillment of the continuing reporting obligations according to Chapter VI “Continuing obligations of the Issuer” of the MSE Listing Rules.

The shares issued by Toplifikacija AD Skopje will be transferred on the Exchange listing sub-segment of the Official market of the Macedonian Stock Exchange starting from 20.08.2014 (Wednesday).