Regular revision of MBID - Index of publicly held companies
Monday, September 15, 2008
On 15.09.2008 the MSE Index Commission made a regular revision of MBID index. According to the Methodology for calculation of MBID, the MSE Index Commission decided that the elements of MBID are the ordinary shares of the following companies: ArchelorMittal Steel Skopje (HRM) AD Skopje, Fabrika za cevki 11 Oktomvri AD Kumanovo, Makedonski Telekom AD Skopje,  ArchelorMittal Steel Skopje (CRM) AD Skopje, Stopanska banka AD Skopje, Tutunska Banka AD Skopje, OKTA AD Skopje, Prilepska pivarnica AD Prilep, Kjubi Makedonija AD Skopje and Popova Kula AD Demir Kapija. 

These 10 elements of MBID are taking 83% of the total turnover on the Market of publicly held companies in the previous quarter.
The next regular revision of MBID is on 15.12.2008