Educational project of The Macedonian Stock Exchange
Friday, March 15, 2019

The Macedonian Stock Exchange, in order to enhance young population’s knowledge about the capital market and the role and functioning of the Stock Exchange, cooperates with educational institutions in the country. 
Last week, the Macedonian Stock Exchange was visited by around 100 students, who had the opportunity to get acquainted more closely with the activities and development of the Stock Exchange and the growth of the securities market.

• On 11.03.2019 students from O.U. "Ljuben Lape" - Skopje
• On March 13, 2019 students from the Faculty of Economics - UKIM Skopje and from the University American College - Skopje
• On March 15, 2019, students from the economic school "St. Cyril and Methodius" - Ohrid