Public warning for the listed companies Vabtek MZT AD Skopje and GTC AD Skopje
Monday, August 12, 2024

The Board of Directors of the Macedonian Stock Exchange AD Skopje made a decision to issue a public warning through the website of the Stock Exchange to the companies Vabtek MZT AD Skopje and GTC AD Skopje, listed on the Official Market on the sub-segment Mandatory Listing  of the Macedonian Stock Exchange .
The company Vabtek MZT AD Skopje due to non-publication of audited financial statements for 2023, together with the annual report on operations for 2023, adopted by the Assembly of shareholders of the company within the period prescribed by the Listing Rules, thereby failing to act in accordance with Article 40, point 1 of the Listing Rules.
The company GTC AD Skopje did not publish the decisions made by the Assembly of Shareholders of the company no later than the beginning of trading on the first following trading day after the day of their adoption, thereby failing to act in accordance with Article 39, paragraph 7 of the Listing Rules.