Transfer of the shares issued by Beton AD Skopje from Super listing to Exchange listing sub-segment
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
The Board of Directors of the Macedonian Stock Exchange on the session held on 09.12.2008 decided to transfer the listed shares issued by Beton AD Skopje from the Super listing to the Exchange listing sub-segment on the MSE Official market, according to paragraph 4.04 sub-paragraph 2 of the MSE Listing Rules.

The decision of the MSE Board of Directors was reached considering the level of company’s fulfillment of the continuing reporting obligations that are specially imposed for the companies that are listed on the Super listing sub-segment, according to paragraph 6.08 of the MSE Listing Rules, such as: publishing the content of the draft decisions for the Shareholders Assembly, publishing the Annual Report of the company, adoption and publishing the Report about the compliance with the MSE Corporate Governance Code and the obligation to publish the information in Macedonian and in English language.

The shares issued by Beton AD Skopje will be transferred on the Exchange listing sub-segment of the Official market of the Macedonian Stock Exchange starting from 11.12.2008 (Thursday).