The Macedonian Stock Exchange joined the initiative "Ring the Bell for Gender Equality 2021"
Monday, March 8, 2021

The Macedonian Stock Exchange AD Skopje took part in the global initiative "Ring the Bell for Gender Equality" and for the first time this year joined hundreds of stock exchanges across the globe in a symbolic ringing of the stock exchange bell, indicating the beginning of trading to celebrate International Women's Day. Ms. Nora Aliti, MA, President of the Securities and Exchange Commission and Mr. Ivan Shteriev, Chief Executive Officer of the Macedonian Stock Exchange, rang the trading bell of the Macedonian Stock Exchange.

On this occasion, the President of the Securities and Exchange Commission, Ms. Nora Aliti, MA, said: “2020, and probably 2021 are the years in which we need leaders, not managers. Quick reactions and difficult decisions are required during a period of change. Among the most important factors such as flexibility, adaptability and diversity, gender equality is a must have, for today and for the future. It is time to stop talking only about the importance of gender equality, but to start taking action. In my opinion, good corporate governance also means gender balanced governing bodies that respect the principle of equal pay for men and women for jobs with equal responsibility and value. It is time for companies, especially listed companies, to set specific targets for women's participation in governing bodies, not as a special treatment for women, but as a way to measure progress towards meeting this goal. And, of course, as a way to maintain a continuum of commitment to gender equality beyond women-related dates.”

"The joining of the Macedonian Stock Exchange to this global initiative, on the International Women's Day, is an expression of our efforts to raise the topic of gender equality in business in Macedonia to a higher social level and to ask ourselves what is the case in this regard with listed companies. The data we published today shows that in the management bodies of all listed companies women participate with 24.2%, while in 15.3% of the companies they are in the top management positions. This shows that there is room for improvement, obviously. Thereby, 71.4% of the companies run by women directors, made profits in the last published financial statements. This is in positive correlation with many international research studies and unequivocally shows that companies run by women tend to show superior results."said Mr. Ivan Shteriev, Chief Executive Officer of the Macedonian Stock Exchange.

The Initiative Ring the Bell for Gender Equality, launched in 2015, is celebrated in many countries to raise awareness of the key role of the private sector in promoting gender equality as a global goal for sustainable development. This global event is initiated by IFC, The World Federation of Exchanges, Sustainable Stock Exchanges Initiative, UN Global Compact, UN Women and Women in ETFs.

At the same time, to strengthen the social awareness for achieving greater gender equality, the Stock Exchange prepared a brief analysis on gender equality in the domestic listed companies, which is available on the following link.