Information from Toplifikacija AD Skopje
Tuesday, December 7, 2004
Toplifikacija AD Skopje has submitted the following information to the Macedonian Stock Exchange: "According to the rule 6.07. from the Listing rules of the Macedonian Stock Exchange, we inform you of the following changes in the ownership structure of Toplifikacija AD Skopje. On 06.12.2004 a block-trade with 70.000 shares issued by Toplifikacija AD Skopje was executed on the MSE. Seller of the shares was Toplifikacija-odrzuvanje AD Skopje. The shares were bought by the Slovenian holding company "Poteza berzansko posrednisko drustvo", Ljubljana, Zelezna cesta No.18. By this transaction, the new owner has acquired 15,5% of the total shares of Toplifikacija AD Skopje, i.e. 70.000 voting shares. The previous owner of the shares, Toplifikacija-odrzuvanje AD Skopje has decreased its ownership in Toplifikacija AD Skopje under 10% and now owns 5,3% of the total shares, i.e. 8.350 voting shares."