10 years Macedonian Stock Exchange
Thursday, April 6, 2006
Due to the 10th anniversary of the Macedonian Stock Exchange, a celebration event was organized on March 30th and 31st, 2006 in hotel “Aleksandar Palace”.
On March 30th, the Annual Shareholders meeting took place, after which the Gala dinner followed on which distinguished guest from the political scene, directors of banks, audit firms, listed companies, departments for dealing with securities as well as representatives from SEC and CSD attended.
On the Gala dinner, speeches were delivered by the President of the Government of the republic of Macedonia, Mr. Vlado Buckovski and by the Chief Executive Officer of the Macedonian Stock Exchanges, Mr. Ivan Steriev.
A video presentation named “10th years of the Macedonian Stock Exchange” was presented. Due to the file size we are not able to provide you access to the video presentation, but if you contact us at the Macedonia Stock Exchange you may received free of charge. However, printed presentation was also presented. Click here to download it..

On March 31, in hotel “Aleksandar Palace” two events were held: conference and official celebration ceremony.
During the conference “ The level of development of the stock exchanges in the South East Europe: What next?” two panel discussion were held: - the first panel discussion was lead among the foreign capital market experts as: Mr. Andrej Sketa, Vice-president of the Ljubljana Stock Exchange; Ms. Goradana Dostanic, Director of the Belgrade Stock Exchange; Mr.Pantely Karassimeonov, International Department Affairs at the Bulgarian Stock Exchange; Mr. Vasilis Margaris, General Director of the Thessalonica Stock Exchange; Ms. Melita Marcheta, Director of the Varazdin Stock Exchange; Mr.Aril Seren, Senior Vice Chairman at the Istanbul Stock Exchange an General Secretary of FEAS. The panel was moderated by Mr. Ivan Steriev, CEO of the Macedonian Stock Exchange.
Click here to download few of presentations.
- the second panel discussion was lead among the domestic capital market experts: Prof. Tito Belicanec- Law Faculty, Prof. Mihail Petkovski- Faculty of Economy, Mr. Srgan Krstic, Executive Officer of the FHL Mermeren Kombinat AD Prilep and Mr. Zvonko Stankovski- President of the Board of Directors of the Macedonian Stock Exchange. The panel was moderated by Prof. Dr. Jane Miljovski, Dean at “New York” university and independent member at the Board of Directors of the Macedonian Stock Exchange.
The official ceremony begun when the President of the Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Branko Crvenkovski rang the stock exchange bell and symbolized the entrance into second decade of the exchange operating, after which the speech by the President followed. The speeches were also delivered by Prof.Dr. Vesna Pendovska- President of the SEC and Mr. Andy Wilson, CEO of International Securities Consultancy London UK.