Last day of the Macedonian Stock Exchange Index MBI. From 04.01.2005 MSE commences with the calculation of the new index MBI-10.
Thursday, December 30, 2004
Today, 30.12.2004 was the last trading day that the Macedonian Stock Exchange calculated and published the Macedonian Stock Exchange Index - MBI. MBI was consisted of the ordinary shares of Alkaloid AD Skopje, Evropa AD Skopje, Komercijalna banka AD Skopje, Makpetrol AD Skopje and Toplifikacija AD Skopje. On the last day of its existence MBI reached 1.351,63 points. On 22.11.2004, the Board of directors of MSE decided on introducing the new MSE Index - MBI-10 from 04.01.2005, with a base of the index with a value 1.000 being 30.12.2004. MBI-10 will be consisted of the ordinary shares of the following listed companies: Alkaloid AD Skopje, Toplifikacija AD Skopje, Komercijalna banka AD Skopje, Makpetrol AD Skopje, Skopski pazar AD Skopje, Stopanska banka AD Bitola, Granit AD Skopje, Makedonijaturist AD Skopje, Evropa AD Skopje i Ohridska banka AD Ohrid. The Methodology for calculation of the Macedonian Stock Exchange Index - MBI-10 will soon be published on this web-site.