The stock exchange extends the free use of eTrader for investors until 30.09.2021
Tuesday, June 29, 2021

The Board of Directors of the Macedonian Stock Exchange AD Skopje decided to extend the period of free usage of the eTrader application until 30.09.2021. The eTrader application is used for e-trading which is available to investors through their brokers and which allows remote trading on the Stock Exchange.

The free use of this product by investors was made possible by the Stock Exchange and its members immediately after the announcement of the pandemic caused by the COVID 19 virus, specifically starting from March 26, 2020.

After the period of free use of eTrader in the third quarter of 2021, the Board of Directors of the Stock Exchange decided to start applying the commercial conditions for using this product according to the current Tariffbook on the Stock Exchange, unless the current epidemiological situation is disturbed, starting from 01.10.2021.

For more details about eTrader, we instruct investors to contact their broker.