Long-term Suspension from listing of the issuers ArchelorMittal (HRM) AD Skopje and Blagoj Tufanov AD Radovish
Friday, January 29, 2021

The Board of Directors of the Macedonian Stock Exchange decided to suspend the Listing on a long term basis the issuers ArchelorMittal (HRM) AD Skopje and Blagoj Tufanov AD Radovish, listed on the Official Market on the segment Mandatory Listing of the Macedonian Stock Exchange, due to a continuing failure to meet the obligations stipulated in the Chapter VI of the Listing rules. The Long-term measure for suspension from Listing is issued for a period of at least 30 days from the date of suspension (01.02.2021) and it will be in force until all the causes for its issuance are removed.