ADG Mavrovo - MSE Board of Directors Decision
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Macedonian Stock Exchange announces that: MSE Board of Directors on November 27, 2007 brought a Decision for public reprimand of the listed company ADG Mavrovo, temporary suspension from trading with shares issued by ADG Mavrovo and temporary excluding from listing of shares issued by ADG Mavrovo. According to the MSE Board’s Decision: • Listed company ADG Mavrovo is publicly warned for not obeying the MSE Listing Rules with regard to disclosure of the price sensitive information; • ADG Mavrovo will remain listed on the Official Market because the exclusion from the listing would not contribute towards protection of the shareholders and investors rights; • Shares issued by ADG Mavrovo are temporary suspended from trading starting from November 28, 2007 till December 5, 2007. The trading with these shares will continue on December 6, 2007; • In the period of 30 days starting from November 28, 2007 shares issued by ADG Mavrovo are temporary excluded from listing. This decision of the Board of directors of the MSE follows upon lattes developments related to the ADG Mavrovo Skopje, due to the facts that company did not apply provisions from the Listing rules on appropriate manner and in order to protect market stability and transparency. Having in mind the complexity of the situation, MSE send message to all competent institutions to undertake strong measures according to their authorizations.