Information from Ohridska banka AD Ohrid
Monday, January 24, 2005
Concerning the published information that "DZI" Bulgaria expressed interest for buyout of a control package of Ohridska banka AD Ohrid, the bank informs that it had talks with "DZI" representatives in October 2004, when they expressed their interest to enter the Macedonian banking and insurance market. Representatives from Ohridska banka AD Ohrid explained the position of the bank in the Macedonian banking sector and the strategy for development of the bank, where a strategic sale of the shares is not adopted. "DZI" was also informed that the shares of Ohridska banka AD Ohrid are listed on the MSE and that there is an undergoing new issue of about MKD 40 million. Bank's representatives offered a possibility for entering the bank's ownership structure with a new issue of shares. Providing that "DZI" was interested only for a strategic buyout which is not in accordance with the bank's Development and Business policy, the talks ended without a concrete result.