Share buy-backs and non-trade transfers of listed companies' shares
Monday, July 22, 2024

According to the data from the trading system, we inform that a listed company executed share buy-back on 19.07.2024 
- OKTA AD Skopje bought 82.759 ordinary shares for the price of MKD 5.919,00 per share, through 3 transactions.

According to the data from the Central Securities Depositary we inform that on 19.07.2024 the following non-trade transfers of listed companies' shares were executed:

- RZ Tehnicka kontrola AD Skopje - 11 ordinary shares
- RZ Inter-Transped АD Skopje - 27 ordinary shares
- Makstil АD Skopje - 604 ordinary shares
- ArcelorMittal (HRM) AD Skopje - 525 ordinary shares
- Ugotur AD Skopje - 29 ordinary shares
- RZ Ekonomika AD Skopje - 26 ordinary shares
- Liberti АD Skopje - 875 ordinary shares
- RZ Uslugi АD Skopje - 222 ordinary shares