Komercijalna banka AD Skopje - denial of a newspaper article
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Regarding the article in the daily newspaper “Dnevnik” from 21.02.2006, titled “Only the banks are interesting for the investors”, Komercijalna banka AD Skopje stresses that although the bank’s profit in 2005 will be lesser than in 2004, the dividend for 2005 is expected to be greater than the dividend of 9,6% of the nominal value paid for 2004. The exact amount of the dividend for 2005 will be known after the bank’s Annual shareholder’s meeting planned for the last decade of March 2006. Considering this, as well as the fact that the shares of Komercijalna banka AD Skopje are listed on the Macedonian Stock Exchange, the bank notes that these kinds of frivolous analyses may make wrong influences on the potential investors and to affect wrong decisions of the current shareholders of Komercijalna banka AD Skopje.