Friday, November 21, 2003
The prospectus of the F.H.L. MERMEREN KOMBINAT AD-PRILEP is aproved concerning a share capital increase, the issue of Greek Depository Receipts (ELPIS after the Greek initials ELPIS) and their relevant listing on the Greek Market of Emerging Capital Markets (EAGAK) of the Athens Exchange (ATHEX). Тhe F.H.L. MERMEREN KOMBINAT AD-PRILEP is the first company that the ATHEX BoD approved for listing on its fourth organized market, i.e. the Greek Market of Emerging Capital Markets (EAGAK). The aforesaid market approaches companies, which have their registered offices and operate in countries of the Southeastern Europe. The company F.H.L. MERMEREN KOMBINAT AD-PRILEP will issue, through a public offer, 468,700 ELPIS, with a par value of 1 EURO, which correspond to an equal amount of common shares of the issuer. The issuing company has its registered offices in Skopje, Macedonia, and is a subsidiary company of the Greek company "FHL KYRIAKIDIS S.A.", which is also listed at the ATHEX.