Tane Caleski Kicevo, Ohridska Banka Ohrid and Alkaloid Skopje
Thursday, December 18, 2003
Tane Caleski Kicevo Symbol: TANE Securities: ordinary shares Nominal value: 100 DEM Volume: 2.988 % of outstanding shares: 11,71 % Price per share (denars): 320,00 Value of transaction (denars): 956.160,00 Seller: KB Buyer:KB Ohridska Banka Ohrid Symbol: OHB Securities: ordinary shares Nominal value: 2.650 DENARS Volume: 2.300 % of outstanding shares: 0,96 % Price per share (denars): 2.650,00 Value of transaction (denars): 6.095.000,00 Seller: OH Buyer: OH Alkaloid Skopje Symbol: ALK Securities: ordinary shares Nominal value: 25,56 EURO Volume: 17.687 % of outstanding shares: 1,36 % Price per share (denars): 1.901,68 Value of transaction (denars): 33.635.014,16 Seller: KB Buyer:KB