Regular revision of MBI-10
Thursday, June 16, 2005
According to the Methodology for calculation of the Macedonian Stock Exchange Index (MBI-10), on 15.06.2005 the Stock Exchange Index Commission has performed the first regular revision of MBI-10. The Commission has decided that according to the criteria from the Methodology the following 10 ordinary shares (that consisted the MBI-10 in the previous period) will be elements of MBI-10: Alkaloid AD Skopje, Toplifikacija AD Skopje, Komercijalna banka AD Skopje, Makpetrol AD Skopje, Skopksi pazar, Stopanska banka AD Bitola, Granit AD Skopje, Makedonijaturist AD Skopje, Evropa AD Skopje and Ohridska banka AD Ohrid. The next regular revision of MBI-10 will be on 15.12.2005.