Listing of two government bonds
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
The MSE Board of directors, on the session held on 14.03.2006 has decided to list the Fifth issue of government restitution bonds and the Government bond for covering of the loss of the National bank of the Republic of Macedonia. The bonds have the following characteristics: 1. Fifth issue of the government restitution bonds is issued in dematerialized form, in EUR and is freely transferable; - Total value of the issue is EUR 34.000.000; - Nominal value of one bond: 1 EUR; - Date of the issue: 13.03.2006; - Coupon rate: 2% per year, starting from 13.03.2006; - Maturity date: 01.06.2016; - First trading day: 16.03.2006, on the Official market of the Macedonian Stock Exchange; - ISIN: MKMINF200D50; - Trading code: RMDEN05. 2. Government bond for covering of the loss of the National bank of the Republic of Macedonia is issued in dematerialized form, in MKD and is freely transferable; - Total value of the issue is MKD 716.000.000; - Nominal value of one bond: 10.000 MKD; - Date of the issue: 30.12.2005; - Coupon rate: 7,45% per year, starting from 30.12.2005; - Maturity date: 30.12.2010; - First trading day: 16.03.2006, on the Official market of the Macedonian Stock Exchange; - ISIN: MKMINF20N016; - Trading code: RMNBM01.