Information from Makpetrol AD Skopje
Friday, February 13, 2004
On 12.02.2004 the Macedonian Stock Exchange received information form Makpetrol AD Skopje, with details about the contract signed between the company’s shareholders on 7 and 8 February 2004. The purpose of the contract is to form a control package of shares and thus to protect the shareholders in case of the sale of the company to a potential buyer, who should fulfill several criteria, such as: price per share not less than 1.500 Euro, guarantied invests in the company form his own resources, keeping all the employees and the company’s organizational structure, guaranteed salaries, employing of the children or other family members of the current employees if such a need occurs etc. With the signing of the contract the shareholders keep their rights, especially the voting and dividend rights. There are no proxies given by the shareholders to the management team or any other person. The shareholders are obliged, in case of the sale of their shares, to offer them firstly to the signatories of the contract and if they don’t buy them within 30 days, the tenderer is free to sell them. After the signing of this contract, the free float of the company remains over 30%.