MSE Board of Directors Decision – Public warning for listed companies ArcelorMittal (HRM) AD Skopje, Debarski banji - Capa AD Debar and Blagoj Tufanov AD Radovish
Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The MSE Board of Directors on the session held on 08.10.2019 adopted a Decision to publicly warn thought the MSE web page ArcelorMittal (HRM) AD Skopje, Debarski banji - Capa AD Debar and Blagoj Tufanov AD Radovish all listed on the Mandatory Listing sub-segment of the Official Market.

The imposed sanctions are for not obeying the obligations stipulated in the article 36, 39 items 5 and 7, and 40 items 2 and 3 of the MSE Listing Rules.