MSE Board of Directors Decision – Public warning for the listed company Agroplod AD Resen
Wednesday, January 18, 2017

MSE Board of Directors on the session held on 28.12.2016 adopted a Decision to publicly warn thought the MSE web page the listed company Agroplod AD Resen. The imposed sanction is for not obeying the obligations stipulated in the article 40 paragraph 2 and 3, of the MSE Listing Rules. 

Taking into consideration the jurisdiction of MSE Board of Directors regarding the MSE Listing Rules, and the obligations of the company to disclose information according to the MSE Listing Rules, the MSE Board of Directors decided to Publicly Warn through the web page of the Macedonian Stock Exchange the listed company Agroplod AD Resen, according to article 51 paragraph 1 line 2 of the MSE Listing Rules.