Trading in the shares of Komercijalna banka AD Skopje continues on Monday, 13.11.2006
Friday, November 10, 2006
The Board of Directors of the Macedonian Stock Exchange, on the session held on 10.11.2006 has decided to stop the temporary cancellation of trading of the shares issued by Komercijalna banka AD Skopje. The temporary cancellation of trading of the shares issued by Komercijalna banka AD Skopje was decided on 09.11.2006 and it was meant to endure until the announcement of additional information by the bank about the status of the signed shareholder’s agreement and the announced sale of the bank’s treasury shares, as well as any other information valid for the investors’ decisions in the following period. On 09.11.2006 Komercijlna banka AD Skopje has announced information about the sale of the bank’s treasury shares and on 10.11.2006 the bank has announced information about the status of the signed shareholder’s agreement. These information are available in Macedonina language, on the official web-site of the Macedonian Stock Exchange. Therefore, the MSE Board of Directors has decided that the conditions are made to stop the temporary cancellation of trading of the shares issued by Komercijalna banka AD Skopje. The ordinary and preferred shares of Komercijalna banka AD Skopje will be free to trade starting from Monday, 13.11.2006, with the price limits of +/-5% of the last average price, as is the rule for all other listed securities. The MSE Board of Directors will continue to observe the market situation and make decisions in accordance with it.