Turnover by market segments
Market Segment Without block trades Block trades
Volume Value Trades generally Volume Value Trades generally
Official Market
Super Listing - Ordinary shares 1,073 25,820,369 106 2,000 48,000,000 1
Exchange Listing - Ordinary shares 6,922 26,727,658 111 57,087 195,173,474 5
Exchange Listing - Bonds 7,805 419,701 2 0 0 0
Mandatory Listing – ordinary shares 13,151 42,492,443 182 0 0 0
Mandatory Listing – priority shares 32 24,320 1 0 0 0
Total Official Market 28,983 95,484,491 402 59,087 243,173,474 6
Regular Market
Market of joint stock companies with special reporting obligations - Ordinary shares 287 1,063,961 12 0 0 0
Total Regular Market 287 1,063,961 12 0 0 0
Total 29,270 96,548,452 414 59,087 243,173,474 6
Shares in MBI10 4,395 53,983,040 228 13,041 136,392,800 5
Bonds in OMB index 7,805 419,701 2 0 0 0