MSE Training Center

"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest!"
- Benjamin Franklin

About the Training centre

The Macedonian Stock Exchange, in the framework of its continuous effort to further development of the Macedonian securities market, establishes a Тraining centre, aimed at strengthening the capacities of the existing and potential market participants in trading with securities, financial instruments and other relevant financial topics.

The project Training centre of the Macedonian Stock Exchange (MSE Training centre) was implemented with the support from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and in its concrete implementation were involved consultants from the Consortium of the Vienna Stock Exchange - CAPMEX.

The main objective of the MSE Training centre is to provide continuous and high-quality education for all market participants, given that it is one of the most important preconditions for further development of the Macedonian capital market.

About the training program

The first courses within the Training centre will be organized starting from October 2012.

The calendar of training courses and the manner and conditions for registration of the participants will be available soon.

The curriculum of the MSE Training centre will initially cover 7 topics. Each topic consists of at least 4 and maximum 8 modules. The content of the modules is designed in a way that offers the possibility for adaptation according to the profile of the course visitors.

Lecturers will be distinguished domestic experts in the field of finance and securities market that will, through theoretical and practical examples, help visitors to easier understand the subject matter and to easier make their business and investment decisions.

For more information about the training centre, training topics and manner of registration of the participants you can send e-mail to, or call on phone +389 2 3122 055, contact person Karolina Karovska Bozinoska.