Komercijalna banka AD Skopje
Issuer's basic data
ul. Vasil Iloski 3
Contact person +
MSc. Marina Momiroska
+ 389 2 316 8391
Year 2023 2022 2021
Total Revenue from operation Activities 7,898,110 5,326,364 4,452,967
Operating profit
Net profit 3,602,377 2,171,708 2,328,320
Equity 18,102,359 15,672,561 14,943,735
Total liabilities 145,578,978 135,377,187 133,611,063
Total assets 163,681,337 151,049,748 148,554,798
Market capitalization 32,423,899 26,615,537 26,724,180
* data in 000 MKD
Year 2023 2022 2021
Return on sales % % %
Net earnings per share (EPS) 1,580.64 952.89 1,021.61
Return on assets 2.20% 1.44% 1.57%
Return on equity 19.90% 13.86% 15.58%
Price to earnings 9.00 12.26 11.48
Book value per share 7,942.88 6,876.74 6,556.95
Price to Book Value 1.79 1.70 1.79
Dividend Per Share 910.00 500.00 620.00
Dividend yield 6.40% 4.28% 5.29%

Komercijalna Banka AD Skopje is a bank that offers universal banking services.

Besides developed lending, the Bank has an extensive network of subsidiaries and branches throughout the country. The Bank provides a broad range of services to individuals and legal persons such as domestic and international payment, trading in securities, money transfer via Western Union, custodial and other operations. The bank has established an online banking presence offering e-banking services for various kinds of electronic payments.

Komercijalna banka AD Skopje offers asset management services through it’s asset management company KB Publikum AD Skopje and is main shareholder in the pension insurance company KB Prvo penzikso drustvo AD Skopje.

Management Board
Hari Kostov – President and Chief Executive Officer
Ilija Iloski – Chief Operative Officer
Maja Stevkova Sterieva - Chief Financial Officer
Biljana Maksimovska Popovic - Chief Corporate Banking Director 
Nikola Dzambazovski - Chief Sales and Development Director

Supervisory Board
Goran Antevski
Sasho Naumoski, independent member
Aleksandra Maksimovska Stojkova -president, independent member
Fatmir Etemi
Vancho Chifliganec - deputy president
Ivana Milkovska Simeva
Petar Tegovski - independent member

  1. Non-trade transfers of listed companies' share

    According to the data from the Central Securities Depositary we inform that the following non-trade transfers of listed companies' shares were executed
  2. Block trades

    Block trades with shares of Makedonijaturist AD Skopje, Stopanska Banka AD Bitola and Komercijalna Banka AD Skopje
  3. Non-trade transfers of listed companies' share

    According to the data from the Central Securities Depositary we inform that the following non-trade transfers of listed companies' shares were executed
  4. Non-trade transfers of listed companies' share

    According to the data from the Central Securities Depositary we inform that the following non-trade transfers of listed companies' shares were executed
  5. Non-trade transfers of listed companies' share

    According to the data from the Central Securities Depositary we inform that the following non-trade transfers of listed companies' shares were executed
  6. Non-trade transfers of listed companies' share

    According to the data from the Central Securities Depositary we inform that the following non-trade transfers of listed companies' shares were executed
  7. Non-trade transfers of listed companies' share

    According to the data from the Central Securities Depositary we inform that the following non-trade transfers of listed companies' shares were executed
  8. Non-trade transfers of listed companies' share

    According to the data from the Central Securities Depositary we inform that the following non-trade transfers of listed companies' shares were executed
  9. Share buy-backs and non-trade transfers of listed companies' shares

    We inform you about executed share buy-backs and non-trade transfers of listed companies' shares
  10. Non-trade transfers of listed companies' share

    According to the data from the Central Securities Depositary we inform that the following non-trade transfers of listed companies' shares were executed
Price movement
Symbol data
Market segment:
Super Listing - Ordinary shares
Total shares
Last trade: 10/25/2024
Max Price:
Min Price:
Avg Price:
Last 52 weeks
Max Price:
Min Price:

* the average price is from the last trading day

**data doesn't inculde block trades

*** the ordinary shares and the priority shares own by the Pension and Disability Insurance Fund of the Republic of Macedonia – PDIF (if they are issued) are summed up. The priority shares own by the PDIF are converted in ordinary shares at the moment of sale.

Historical Data