Latest News

Decision of the Securities and Exchange Commission for a successful takeover of Ohridska banka AD Skopje

Changes and amendments in the MSE Tariff Book

According to the data from the Central Securities Depositary we inform that the following non-trade transfers of listed companies' shares were executed

Block trade with shares of Skopski Pazar AD Skopje

We inform you about executed share buy-backs and non-trade transfers of listed companies' shares

Listing of corporate bonds issued by TTK banka AD Skopje

We inform you about executed share buy-backs and non-trade transfers of listed companies' shares

According to the data from the Central Securities Depositary we inform that the following non-trade transfers of listed companies' shares were executed

According to the data from the Central Securities Depositary we inform that the following non-trade transfers of listed companies' shares were executed

Following is a link to the video of the roundtable "The future role of capital markets in small and open economies"