Information from Granit AD Skopje
Tuesday, April 5, 2005
Considering the announcement for proportional share buy-back from all shareholders, announced by the listed company Granit AD Skopje in the daily paper "Utrinski vesnik" from 05.04.2005, Macedonian Stock Exchange has contacted the company, which has submitted the decision adopted by the Board of directors of Granit AD Skopje from 28.03.2005. The decision, adopted according the articles 333 and 334 from the Company Law, states that Granit AD Skopje will buy ordinary shares issued by the company in amount up to 1/10 of the outstanding shares, i.e. 307.137 ordinary shares. The shares will be bought proportionally from all shareholders for the price equal to the nominal value of 5 EUR per share. The company has announced the public announcement to all shareholders, valid 30 days from the day of announced.