Information from DG Beton AD Skopje
Monday, May 31, 2004
The shareholder's assembly of DG Beton AD Skopje, on the session held on 21.05.2004, adopted the following decisions: 1. Decision for distribution of the net-profit for the year 2003, as follows: - Dividend for the Pension Fund: 736.772 MKD; - Statutory reserves: 3.736.071 MKD; - Reserves for buy-back: 6.550.500 MKD; - Accumulated profit: 13.883.794 MKD. The Assembly has adopted a decision for not distributing a dividend for 2003. 2. The company's Assembly has decided on buy-back of 4.367 ordinary shares in total value of 1.116.406 EUR. The shares will be bought until 21.05.2005. The minimal price that the company is going to buy its shares is set on 800 MKD per share, while the maximum price is set on 1.700 MKD per share. The shares will be sold not later than one year after the buying.