Information regarding the rise of the prices of shares iddued by Evropa AD Skopje, Beton AD Skopje and Lotarija na Makedonija AD Skopje
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Concerning the continuous rise of the price of shares issued Evropa AD Skopje and Beton AD Skopje, as well as the rise of the price of shares issued by Lotarija na Makedonija AD Skopje in the last trading days, according to the Listing Rules, Macedonian Stock Exchange on 28.03.2005 sent letters to these companies asking them for the existence of any price sensitive information that would affect the rise of the share prices.
On 29.03.2005 Evropa AD Skopje, Beton AD skopje and Lotarija na Makedonija AD Skopje informed Macedonian Stock Exchange that they don't own any price sensitive information that would affect the rise of the share prices.