Macedonian Stock Exchange has signed an exclusive cooperation agreement with Funderbeam SEE
Wednesday, May 22, 2019

We inform the public that the Macedonian Stock Exchange has signed an exclusive cooperation agreement with Funderbeam SEE, registered in the Republic of Croatia. Funderbeam SEE is part of the Funderbeam Market Limited group that offers a global scheme for collective financing. Through the established cooperation between Funderbeam SEE and the Macedonian Stock Exchange, this crowdfunding platform, linking companies seeking to raise funds and investors looking for investment opportunities in early-stage companies, will become easily available on the Macedonian market. The role of the Stock Exchange will be of an educational and promotional character, primarily aimed at presenting the Funderbeam platform to small and medium-sized enterprises, and start-up companies as an alternative way of collecting additional capital in order to develop their businesses and a potential transformation into companies suitable for future listing on the MSE. Potential users of this platform are exclusively legal entities that are not established as joint stock companies. Considering the great importance of development of the small and medium enterprises, the Exchange's activities in this domain received official support from USAID Macedonia as part of the activities of the Business Ecosystem Development Project.

The Funderbeam platform is designed in a way that offers a wide range of benefits for its users:

- Early stage companies and growing companies gain access to new capital from domestic and foreign investors through the implementation of special campaigns in which they will present key information about their operations;

- Investors are informed about this type of investment and get the opportunity to invest in early-stage companies and growing companies, within the investment structure offered by the platform;

- Investors through the platform get access to the secondary market for further trading with their investments.

In the forthcoming period, the MSE plans to organize independently or jointly with other stakeholders of the Macedonian startup ecosystem a series of promotional events for a more detailed introduction for all interested in the possibilities offered by this crowdfunding platform.